Canopy Access – Statement of Medical Condition

This climbing training / experience involves a degree of physical and mental exertion. Certain medical conditions may affect safety and we require you to sign the form below stating that you – and/or those under your direct care – are historically free of these conditions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this.

Working at height in any environment is a potentially hazardous activity. If you are in any doubt about your ability to participate in the experience, we advise you to discuss the course with us and your GP. Principle contra-indications to working at height include the following:

  • Fear of heights (vertigo)
  • Epilepsy, fits, blackouts
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease, chest pain
  • Giddiness, difficulty with balance
  • Impaired limb function
  • Alcohol or drug dependence
  • Psychiatric illness
  • Diabetes
  • Acute asthma

Obviously the above list is not exhaustive and we kindly request that trainees raise any potential issues or complications they may be aware of with us at the time of booking.

By accepting these medical conditions you are stating that you agree with the following statement:

‘To the best of my knowledge I* – or any member of the group I am responsible for in the field** do not suffer from any mental or physical condition, including those stated above, which could put myself or others at risk whilst working at height. I have, to the best of my knowledge, no
physical or mental difficulties that would prevent me from participating safely in this canopy climbing experience’

* individual
** School group leader, normally the teacher placing the booking on behalf of the group.